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Executive Director
Ahmed Rehab
Deputy Director
Sufyan Sohel
Civil Rights Director
Christina Abraham
Litigation Director
Kevin Vodak, Esq.
Staff Attorney
Rabya Khan
Communications Coordinators
Aymen Abdel Halim
Ambreen Zuberi
Outreach Coordinator
Gerald Hankerson
Operations Coordinator
Mohamed Abdelati
Board of Directors Chairman
Mazen Kudaimi, MD
Advisory Board Honorary President
Prof. M Cherif Bassiouni
Save the date / volunteer for CAIR-ChicagoÕs 9th Annual Banquet Ð March 23rd! |
CAIR-Chicago | January 16, 2013 |
The annual banquet will be held on Saturday, March 23rd 2013 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, IL. To volunteer or for more information, e-mail CAIR-ChicagoÕs Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson, at volunteer@cairchicago.org or call 312-212-1520. |
Become a sponsor of CAIR-ChicagoÕs 9th Annual Banquet! |
CAIR-Chicago | January 10, 2013 |
Sponsorship packages include ads in our program booklet, tickets to our event, and/or a vendor display table for your business or organization. To become a sponsor or for more information, e-mail Sufyan Sohel, Deputy Director of CAIR-Chicago, at ssohel@cairchicago.org or call 312-212-1520. |
Press Release: Graffiti sprayed on Muslim cemetery sign in La Grange Park, Illinois |
CAIR-Chicago | January 15, 2013 |
CAIR-Chicago today urged law enforcement authorities to consider a possible bias motive for graffiti targeting the main sign of the Muslim Cemetery of Greater Chicago at Parkholm cemetery in La Grange Park, Ill. |
Press Release: ÒMyJihadÓ ads now circulating on San Francisco buses, still in Chicago |
CAIR-Chicago | December 26, 2012 |
CAIR-Chicago announced today that the "MyJihad Educational Campaign" has officially launched in San Francisco as 35 king-size bus ads started circulating via the Muni bus system. |
Ahmed Rehab tells the story of the #MyJihad campaign at Orland Park Prayer Center |
CAIR-Chicago | January 11, 2013 |
The #MyJihad campaign's founder, Ahmed Rehab, discusses how a simple idea on Facebook is turning into what some analysts are calling the most important Muslim counter-Islamophobia campaign ever. |
Pamela GellerÕs self-defeating quest to ÒdefeatÓ jihad |
CAIR-Chicago | January 14, 2013 | Matthew Barry, Contributor |
Matthew Barry, contributor for the Chicago Monitor, responds to Pamela GellerÕs recent attack on his piece in the Monitor about the #MyJihad campaign. |
Salon: Can ÒjihadÓ be rebranded? |
Salon | January 9, 2013 |
ItÕs an uphill fight, but Muslim activists are trying to reclaim a holy word thatÕs become synonymous with terror. |
WBEZ, Worldview: Ahmed Rehab on the politics behind EgyptÕs possible IMF loan |
WBEZ 91.5 FM | January 9, 2013 |
Ahmed Rehab discusses the political implications behind EgyptÕs possible International Monetary Fund loan in addition to the status of the recent #MyJihad public education campaign. |
CAMP-Chicago 4th Annual Kickoff Dinner |
CAIR-Chicago | January 9, 2013 |
CAMP-Chicago is kicking off the 2013 new year with the 4th Annual Kickoff Networking Dinner. Meet the CAMP-Chicago officers, learn about upcoming events and network with other Muslim professionals. |
Job opportunities available with CIOGC |
CAIR-Chicago | January 15, 2013 |
The Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOGC) is seeking a Communications Director and a Website Designer. Apply by January 30th, 2013! |
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