CAIR-Chicago's 7th Annual Banquet
- APRIL 16th, 2011 -
CAIR-Chicago is Seeking a New Civil Rights Director
Read the job description HERE. If interested, please send a resume and cover letter to . For more information call 312-212-1520.

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Executive Director
Ahmed Rehab
Civil Rights Director
Christina Abraham
Outreach Coordinator
Gerald Hankerson
Communications Coordinators
Amina Sharif
Lyndsey Stemm
Staff Attorney
Kevin Vodak, Esq.
Operations Coordinators
Hiba Hammadi
Developement Coordinator
Ryan Hilliard
Board of Directors
Mazen Kudaimi, MD - President
Advisory Board
Prof. M Cherif Bassiouni - Honorary President
Chicago Tribune: Religious leaders urge approval of DuPage mosque |
Chicago Tribune | January 20, 2011 |
ÒHow many mosques constitute an oversaturation in unincorporated DuPage County, according to the Zoning Board of Appeals?Ó asked Ahmed Rehab, director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, at a news conference. ÒThe answer would be one. One would be one too many apparently, and thatÕs very disconcerting to us.Ó |
CAIR-Chicago Rep. Meets with Mayoral Candidates at ICIRR Conference |
CAIR-Chicago | January 12, 2011 |
ICIRR Board Members, including CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab, met with ChicagoÕs mayoral candidates at a small conference on Friday. The featured candidates were former U.S. Senator Carol Moseley Braun and City Clerk of Chicago Miguel Del Valle. |
Medill Reports: Islamic group puts pressure on DuPage to change stand banning mosque |
Medill News Service | January 19, 2011 |
In tough economic times most neighborhoods would welcome development. But in suburban Willowbrook, theyÕre waving it off for an unusual reason: religious oversaturation. |
The Denial of Islamophobia |
CAIR-Chicago | January 11, 2011 |
Faux liberal and pro-occupation advocate, New Republic editor Martin Peretz is back at it again. Last fall, he caused a firestorm with his racist comments that ÒMuslim life is cheapÓ. On Monday, he dished out some raw Islamophobia-denial in a gullible column entitled ÒThe Invention of Islamophobia.Ó |
Interfaith Leaders Hold Press Conference; Support DuPage Mosque |
CAIR-Chicago | January 20, 2011 |
CAIR-Chicago participated in an interfaith press conference held on behalf of the Muslim Education and Cultural Center of America (MECCA), the third mosque denied a permit in DuPage County in the past year. |
Christina Abraham Meets with AAUW to Discuss Women In Islam |
CAIR-Chicago | January 18, 2011 |
The AAUW put together the conference at DePaul University in order to achieve more knowledge on the role of women in Islam. The presentation, which drew around thirty audience members, allowed Abraham to bring up present day issues and misconceptions regarding Muslim women. |
Press Conference Tomorrow to Support DuPage County Mosques |
CAIR-Chicago | January 18, 2011 |
Christian, Muslim, Jewish and civic leaders affirm religious freedom and call on the DuPage County Development Board to reconsider the Zoning BoardÕs decision to deny a permit for MECCA, a mosque in Willowbrook. |
CAIR-Chicago Says Goodbye to Reema Ahmad |
CAIR-Chicago | January 18, 2011 |
CAIR-Chicago Bids Farewell to Government Affairs Coordinator Reema Ahmad and congratulates her on new position at Project Mobilize. ÒI am grateful that ReemaÕs talent, professionalism, and work ethic will remain at the service of the Chicago Muslim community,Ó said Ahmed Rehab. |
Medill Reports: ÔPeople look at us and get the wrong impressionÕ |
Medill News Service | January 18, 2011 |
ÒIslamophobia is the last form of racism that is tolerated in mainstream America,Ó she said. ÒYou wonÕt see Fox News go out of its way to defend anti-black or anti-Semitic comments but they went out of their way to defend an Islamophobic statement.Ó |
Press Release: CAIR-Chicago Urges Support for DuPage County Mosques Seeking Permits |
CAIR-Chicago Press Center | January 14, 2011 |
ÒThere is a large and growing number of Muslim families who live, work, and pay taxes in DuPage County yet are being denied the same right as their neighbors to establish institutions to accommodate their religious and community needs,Ó said Ahmed Rehab. |
ACTION ALERT: Call DuPage County to Support Mosques Seeking Permits |
CAIR-Chicago | January 14, 2011 |
Call the DuPage Country Board and show your support for: the Islamic Center of the Western Suburbs (ICSW), the Muslim Education and Cultural Center of America (MECCA), and the Irshad Learning Center (ILC).
Make your voice heard and make a difference! |
Chicago Tribune: DuPage zoning panel opposes plan for mosque near Willowbrook |
Chicago Tribune | January 14, 2011 |
Amina Sharif, with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said she is concerned that officials are trying to limit religious institutions. In April, the group filed a lawsuit against the county alleging discrimination in rejecting a zoning proposal for an Islamic education center and place of worship near Naperville. |
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