Also see the Washington Times' coverage
Islam-Basher Will Not Speak at Library Association Conference
CAIR-Chicago | July.12.09
With anti-Muslim bigot Robert Spencer as the only remaining panelist, the ALA canceled the panel on "dispelling stereotypes" entirely. CAIR-Chicago continues to urge ALA decision makers to engage legitimate community representatives in future endeavors that directly affect their communities.

Library Group Panelists Withdraw Over Role of Islam-Basher
CAIR-Chicago | July.11.09
All remaining panelists dump event to protest invitation to bigot Robert Spencer. Coalition of 50 Muslim organizations joins call to drop Robert Spencer as speaker. UPDATE: Panel cancelled.

CAIR-Chicago Asks Library Group to Drop Anti-Muslim Bigot From Panel
CAIR-Chicago | July.09.09
In a letter to the American Library Association, CAIR-Chicago likens the invitation of notorious Islamophobe Robert Spencer to inviting an anti-Semite onto a panel that aims to dispel stereotypes against Jews.

CAIR-Chicago Takes Religious Discrimination Case to Court
CAIR-Chicago | July.09.09
The Muslim man, a former employee of Affiliated Computer Services Inc., allegedly faced discrimination by co-workers based on his race and religion. In one incident, an abusive employee sprayed aerosol cleaner into the Muslim worker's eye.

- Washington Times: Panel dropped after invitation of Islam critic
July 13, 2009
- Library Journal: ALA Conference 2009: Organization Behind Islam Panel Issues Statement
July 11, 2009
- Library Journal: ALA Conference 2009: Panelists Quit Session Featuring "Islam Basher"
July 11, 2009

- Film Makers From West Bank and State Dept. Officials to Visit CAIR-Chicago
July 18, 2009
- Youth Coordinator to Attend Philippine Youth Leadership Program
July 23, 2009

- Press Release: Islam-Basher Will Not Speak at Library Association Conference
July 12, 2009
- Press Release: Library Group Panelists Withdraw Over Role of Islam-Basher
July 11, 2009
- Press Release: CAIR-Chicago Asks Library Group to Drop Anti-Muslim Bigot From Panel
July 9, 2009
- Media Advisory: CAIR-Chicago Moves Forward on Religious Discrimination Case - Muslim Man Alleges Harassment and Unfair Termination
July 9, 2009

The following is a partial list of the cases CAIR-Chicago's Civil Rights Department worked to resolve from June 27, 2009 - July 10, 2009:
• A Muslim U.S. citizen believes that he is being unfairly targeted and harassed by Transportation Safety Authority (TSA) at O’Hare International Airport. Each time he enters the country he is detained for several hours and interrogated, and customs personnel go through his luggage. He filed a complaint with The Department of Homeland Security's Travel Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP) over a year ago but has yet to receive an answer.
• A permanent U.S. resident was detained at the border while returning from Canada. He was handcuffed, taken into a cell, and interrogated. Customs and Border officials made copies of all of his documents. The detention lasted for approximately four hours and he was given no explanation upon his release, except that his Muslim name caught the officer’s attention.
• A Muslim man was interrogated by TSA personnel when returning from a trip abroad and he was given no explanation for the incident. Days later, the FBI showed up at his residence requesting an interview but he was not home at the time. The FBI continued to contact him in an attempt to set up an interview without providing any explanation.
• A Muslim man was arrested and harassed by a police officer who claimed the man was suspected of attempted murder. The officer kept the man in a police car with the windows closed in 94 degree heat. As a result, he suffered a panic attack and was taken to the hospital. The man was ultimately charged with a misdemeanor. He believes the officer mistreated him because he is Muslim. CAIR-Chicago logged the complaint and referred the man to a criminal defense attorney.
• CAIR-Chicago continues to receive complaints from the Muslim community regarding the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services’ (USCIS) failure to grant applications for naturalized citizenship in a timely manner. CAIR-Chicago continues to represent clients to ensure that those who meet the requirements receive citizenship.
• CAIR-Chicago continues to receive complaints from inmates housed at different correctional facilities throughout Illinois who are being denied the right to Halal meals. CAIR-Chicago is researching the possibility of filing a class action on behalf of Muslim inmates in order to grant them access to Halal meals.
• CAIR-Chicago was contacted by the Chaplain at Menard Correctional Center who stated that the institution is in need of literature about Islam but lacks the resources to obtain such materials. CAIR-Chicago referred the request to ICNA and CIOGC.
• A Muslim man allegedly suffered harassment at his workplace. He was not allowed to take breaks for prayer; he was denied reasonable accommodation for a health condition; and he was disciplined more severely than other employees for a delay which occurred through no fault of his own.
• A Muslim woman was harassed at her shop by a security officer who works in her building. The officer made offensive remarks about her to customers entering the shop and is known to have displayed signs of prejudice toward Muslims in the past.
Public Accommodation
• A Muslim woman reported that she has received citations from her townhouse management for purported violations. She believes she is being discriminated against since non-Muslim owners commit such alleged violations without consequence.

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Executive Director
Ahmed Rehab
Civil Rights Director
Christina Abraham
Developement Coordinator
Dina Rehab
Government Affairs Coordinator
Reema Ahmad
Operations Coordinators
Azam Azeem
Cultural Sensitivity Speaker
Veronica Zapata
Communications Coordinators
Reem Rahman
Amina Sharif
Staff Attorney
Kevin Vodak, Esq.
Outreach Coordinator
Gerald Hankerson
Youth Coordinator
Mokaram Rauf
Administrative Assistant
Islaam Rahim
Board of Directors
Emaad Hamwi
Ahmed Rehab
Hina Sodha, Esq.
Yaser Tabbara, Esq. - Secretary
Mazen Kudaimi, MD - Vice President
Safaa Zarzour, Esq. - President